HSC Jacksonville West, LLC has applied for a permit to construct a Tractor Supply Company located opposite of Titania Street on eastbound Normandy Boulevard. The proposed plans would improve site access with a single driveway at the easterly edge of the property. The median is proposed to be modified to be a directional median serving left turns into the proposed Tractor Supply Company property and onto Titania Street. The introduction of a directional median will create the need to divert southbound left turn movements from Titania Street. The introduction of a directional median will reduce delays exiting Titania Street and preserve capacity at Lamplighter Lane to accommodate vehicles wishing to travel east on Normandy Boulevard. The proposed reconstruction of the median opening will result in improved safety by reducing turning movement conflicts.
The Florida Department of Transportation is seeking input from nearby property owners and other citizens who may be impacted by the proposed changes. If you have questions or would like to comment on the proposed median modification, please contact Julian McKinley P.E., Maintenance Program Engineer, at (904) 360-5458, julian.mckinley@dot.state.fl.us or 2198 Edison Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida 32204.